How to Use tail Command on Linux – Guide

The tail command is used to display the last 10 lines of a file. By default, it selects the first 10 lines. You can customize this by specifying a number in the command. This tutorial shows you how to use the tail command with some examples.

Linux is a Unix-based operating system that was created in the early 1990s. It is similar to other operating systems, such as Windows and macOS. Linux has a graphical user interface and the same types of software you are used to use word processors, image editors, video editors, etc. In many cases, the software creator may have created a Linux version of the same program you used on other systems.

tail command syntax

The tail command is used to list the contents of a file or directory. It works like this: tail -f This will list the files in the file named “file” with the last three lines of each file listed in turn.

There are a number of tail options available when trading stocks. In this article, we will look at the most common ones. ..

  • If no FILE is specified, or when FILE is -, tail will read standard input.

How to Use tail command

The tail command can be used to view the last 10 lines of a file. ..

How to Display a specific number of lines

$ less -n 10 This is line 1. This is line 2. This is line 3. This is line 4. This is line 5. This is line 6. This is line 7. This is line 8. ..

                  • —– – 1 50 —-
          • —– – 50

The following example will display the same output as the above commands, but with a more concise and organized syntax: This example will display the same output as the above commands, but with a more concise and organized syntax, which is based on a list of key points:

  • The first command displays all of the text in a file, while the second command displays only the lines that have been changed.
  • The third command displays all of the text in a file, while the fourth command displays only those lines that have been changed since last run.

How to Display a specific number of bytes

To show the number of bytes in a file, use the -w (–bytes-in-file) option. ..

For example, to display the last 500 bytes of data from the file named filename.txt, you would use: The 500 bytes of data in filename.txt have been displayed.

You can also use a multiplier suffix after the number to specify the number of bytes to show. For example, b multiplies by 512, kB multiplies by 1000, K multiplies by 1024, MB multiplies by 1000000, M multiplies by 1048576, and so on.

Last two kilobytes of filename.txt

To stop the tail command while it is looking at a file, press Ctrl+C. To continue monitoring the file when it is recreated, use the -F option.

When tailing a log file that rotates, the -F option allows the tail command to reopen the file as soon as it becomes available again. ..

How to View multiple files

The tail command will display the last ten lines of each file that is given as input. ..

The last 20 lines of the files filename1.txt and filename2.txt are as follows: file1.txt: This is the first line of file1.txt file2.txt: This is the second line of file2.txt ..

The tail -n 20 command prints the 20 most recent files in a directory.

How to Use Tail with other commands

tail -f apacheaccesslog

This command prints the contents of the access.log file on, which includes information about requests made by the Apache web server from that address.

ps -ef | grep cpu cpu | wc -l

Sort the list of numbers 3 times and print the last 5.

Final note

How to Use Tail Command on Linux Linux is a Unix-like operating system that allows you to run programs and commands in a hierarchical manner. This means that you can control the actions of your computer by running commands at the top of the hierarchy. This article will show you how to use tail -a to list all the active processes on your computer.