Guide: How to Use and Customize Safari Reader in iOS

Safari Reader is a feature in the company’s Safari web browser attempting to display a website article as a single distraction-free page, without ads, unrelated images, and other website design elements. To use Safari Reader, open Safari on your iPhone or iPad and sign in with your Apple ID. Once you have logged in, open the Preferences window and select the Security tab. Under General, select the Allow third-party apps to run in this browser checkbox. Click on the Safari Reader icon in the top left corner of your screen to open it. Once you have opened Safari Reader, you will see a new tab called “Safari Reader.” This tab contains all of the features of Safari Reader:

  • A new toolbar at the top of the screen that allows you to control all of Safari Reader’s features:
  • A main button that opens up a new window that allows you to read articles as if they were on your desktop computer or laptop;
  • The ability to zoom into any article so that it is easier to read;
  • The ability to save articles so that they can be accessed offline;
  • The ability to share articles with others by email or social media; and
  • An option to “Hide this tab when I’m not using it” which will keep Safari Reader open but hidden when you’re not using it.

Using Safari Reader on the iPhone and iPad

Safari Reader replaces the entire website layout with a simple white background, black text, and no external information outside of the article itself. Users can now easily scroll through the article to read it, making the online reading experience much better mobile appliances.

Adjust the font and background color of Safari Reader

To change the font and background color of Safari Reader on your iPhone or iPad, first launch Safari Reader using the steps above and tap the font with an article in the Reader view button to the right of the address bar of Safari’s Smart Search (indicated as a lowercase ‘A’ next to a large letter ‘A’). This will open a new menu with three methods of changing the look of Safari Reader: font size, background color and font style. The Font Size, at the top of the menu, allows you to make the Safari Reader text larger (by tapping the larger ‘A’ on the right) or smaller (via the smaller ‘A’ on the left). change both the background color and the font color of Safari Reader. Withthe default ‘White’ option, you will see dark black text on a crisp white background; ‘Sepia’ displays a light sepia background with dark brown text; ‘Gray’ uses a medium gray background with light gray text; and finally ‘Black’ uses medium gray text on a dark black background. The image below gives an example of each ofthe color options, although users will want to experiment in person to determine which color combination they prefer.The final Safari Reader option is font, with Apple (as of date of this tip) eightfont styles to choose from, consisting of six serif fonts (Athelas, Charter, Georgia, Iowan, Palatino, Times New Roman) and two sans serif fonts (San Francisco, Seravek).With allofSafari Reader’s customization options,the user can easily test different combinations by tapping on them. The results are immediately displayed in threepage view without having to save or reloadSafaree reader. Once you’ve determined a combinationof size,, color,, andfont style,,will remember

Warnings for Safari Reader

Safari Reader is a great tool that can make reading articles online, especially long articles, a much more enjoyable experience on your iPhone or iPad. However, there are a few things that users should keep in mind. First, Safari Reader analyzes a website’s article and tries to render it accurately in Reader view, including any header or internal images. However, some websites use a non-standard formatting that may cause important information such as animated or interactive images, quotes, and captions to be omitted from the Safari Reader format. Keep this in mind when reading more complex articles in Safari Reader, and you may want to briefly scroll through an article in the default layout when you’re done reading to make sure Safari Reader displays all relevant information. page articles. Again, Safari Reader will try to detect that an article has been split into multiple web pages and it is usually able to successfully combine all the pages in the single scrolling Reader view. As mentioned above, some websites use unique implementations and code for their multi-page articles that SafariReader may not be able to handle. In these cases, when a user reaches the end of the first page of an article in Reader view, SafariReader will accidentally reload the first page or just stop as if no additional content exists. It is often clear from the text itself when an article ends abruptly at a page break, but remember to close the Reader view and quickly check the site’s default layout if you think you are missing one or more pages . If so, you will need to manually navigate to the next page and restart SafariReader final Consideration when using SafariReader

Safari Reader on the Mac

Safari Reader is a great feature on smaller devices, but it also has a built-in feature in OS X called Reader View. This works almost identically to how it works on smaller devices, with the same caveats. However, as long as you keep these few considerations in mind, you can enjoy this great feature both at home and on the go. ..

How to Use and Customize Safari Reader in iOS: benefits


Final note

Safari Reader is a great app for reading books on your iPhone or iPad. It’s easy to use and has many customization options, so you can get the most out of it. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use Safari Reader and customize it to your needs.

If you have any queries about how to use and customize Safari Reader in iOS, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide, then please contact us.