How to transfer Apple passwords to Android – Guide

  1. Create a new Apple ID and password
  2. Transfer your contacts and photos to the new device
  3. Transfer your videos to the new device

To check How to transfer passwords from apple to android

In today’s world, each user has many accounts with different services. This applies to websites and mobile forms. On their iPhone, users can connect to Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Shazam, Hulu and many other apps. These passwords are no longer remembered by everyone. As a result, iPhone and Apple users often use iCloud keychain. This app saves all your passwords. This tutorial will show you how to transfer passwords from iPhone to Android smartphone. Applies to all passwords and usernames registered to iCloud Keychain

The main benefit of using a password manager is convenience. It can be difficult to keep track of all the passwords, so when you switch from an iPhone to an Android device, or to enter any app or website, you must select the “Forgot password” option or have an amazing memory. Additionally, since most Apple users avoid using third-party password managers, exporting is significantly more difficult. ..

How to Transfer Apple Passwords to Android

Export iCloud Keychain Data to Local Keychain

To open the Keychain Access app, open the App Store on your device. Click File > New Keyring. Name it location-icloud. Remember the password you entered for the local keyring you just created.

Open the Keychains section of the Settings app. Copy all of its content to the clipboard with Command+C. Paste this content into iCloud Location using Command+V. ..

Users must enter the password for the local keychain-icloud in each entry. If they lose the keychain or if it is stolen, they must enter the new password in order to access their account.

Apple Script:

  1. Create a new script file.
  2. Paste the content of the old script into the new script file.
  3. Enter your newly created password each time you do this.

Set your keychain password to “MYPASSWORD” and tell the system events application to repeat as long as it exists (processes where the name is “SecurityAgent”). Tell the SecurityAgent process to set first to true if (window count) > 0, and then try # keystroke “password” keystroke MYPASSWORDdelay 0.1 keytrake. If an error occurs, do nothing and try again. Delay 0.4 seconds in between attempts. ..

If you don’t know or understand how to use AppleScript, do it the traditional way. ..

To copy iCloud passwords to a new local keychain, follow these steps:

  1. Open the iCloud app and sign in.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen and select “Copy Password.”
  3. Type your desired name for the new keychain and click on “Create.”

Convert to human readable format with 1 password

Please open the FILE and follow the instructions.

Inside the “AppleScript_Conversion_Helper” application, you will find a file called “”. This app allows you to convert AppleScript files into other formats. ..

iCloud location: Apple Inc.

Enter your cloud password when prompted.

After the utility script completes, you will receive a file in .1pif format on your desktop. ..

Import into the 1Password app

The hard work is basically done at this point, and we can now focus on the fun part.

1Password is a password manager that you can install on your Mac. It’s a great way to keep your passwords safe and easy to access.

Create an account and log in with it.

The Import option in the menu will allow you to import articles from a variety of sources. You can choose to import articles from a variety of sources, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and more.

The .1pif file is the main point of this tutorial.

Your account will be automatically updated with all your passwords.

Install 1Password on Android

Open the 1Password app on your Android device and input your login information.

If you have already logged in, please enter your credentials below. If you have not logged in yet, please click the link below to create an account. ..

Your computer will automatically sync all passwords and usernames with the cloud, so you’ll never have to worry about them again. ..

Final note

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