How to Save Mac Screenshots in JPG Format – Guide
If you take a screenshot on your Mac, you may find that macOS saves all screenshots in PNG format by default. However, there is a way to change the screen capture file format to something more convenient, like JPG. This format can maintain image quality, but may be smaller than PNG files. It can also improve website load times. If you want to change the screen capture file format on your Mac, there is a trick you can use. ..
To take a screenshot of the entire screen using shortcuts in Mac OS X, press Command-Shift-3. To take a screenshot of just one area on the screen, press Command-Shift-4 and then click on a point on the screen and drag and release the mouse to take a picture of the selected area. ..
How to Take standard JPEG screenshot on Mac
Open the Finder on your Mac.
Applications will open in a new window.
In the terminal, type the following command: sudo apt-get update This will update your package list. ..
Type the following command to start a new Terminal window: terminal
You successfully changed the default screenshot format on your device. However, you will have to restart your device for the change to take effect. To do this, just use Control–Command–Power button to restart the computer.
How to Change Screenshot Format to TIFF/PDF/GIF/PNG on Mac
To change the screenshot format, use the following steps:
- Open the File menu and select “Open”
- Type “TIFF” and press Enter
- Type “PDF” and press Enter
- Type “GIF” and press Enter
- Type “PNG” and press Enter
Change screenshot format to PNG
To change the screenshot to PNG, use the following Terminal command. ..
To capture a screenshot of your screen, open the “Screen Capture” application and choose " PNG" as the type. ..
Change Screenshot Format to TIFF
tiff -format TIFF This will create a TIFF file that can be used to screenshot.
To take a screenshot of your screen, open the “Screen Capture” application in System Preferences and choose “TIFF” as the type. ..
Change Screenshot Format to PDF
pdf -f “C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp\PdfCache.tmp”
Apple’s Screen Capture feature captures screenshots of your screen and saves them as PDF files.
Change Screenshot Format to GIF
gif -f This will create a GIF image from the text you input.
defaults write type gifgif defaults write type gifgifgif
How to Change Default Screenshot Location on Mac
I keep screenshots of my work in a separate folder so I can access them quickly or keep my desktop from becoming cluttered. ..
screenshot -o ~/Pictures/default.png ~/Pictures
The default location for screenshots taken with the Apple Screen Capture application is ~/Pictures/Screenshots. ..
One thing you need to know is that taking a screenshot of your Mac can be done by selecting the “Pictures” folder in the Finder and then clicking on the “Screenshots” button. This will take you to a folder where you can store your screenshots.
Final note
This guide will show you how to save screenshots of your Mac in JPEG format, which is the most common format for screenshots. If you have any questions about this guide, or if you just want to share your love for it, feel free to ask us in the comments below or on our Facebook page. ..