How to Remove Extra Rows from Google Sheets – Guide

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program similar to Microsoft Excel. Although some of the features from Microsoft’s legacy product, Sheets is a sophisticated spreadsheet tool capable of managing budgets, solving equations, and keeping track of data in real-time. Many of Excel’s functions are duplicated or copied in Sheets, making it simple to transition from Microsoft’s productivity suite to Google’s own solutions. Users with simple spreadsheets (those without custom macros or design components) can import their Excel files directly into Spreadsheets without a hitch.

One problem spreadsheet users have seen is that it’s not uncommon for random empty cells, rows, and columns to appear within the document when importing and collecting data from multiple sources (one of the many things spreadsheets excel at). While this problem is possible on smaller sheets, where you can manually erase lines, it becomes a big problem on larger pages. However, erasing these white spaces is simple and quick if you follow the procedures correctly. In this article I will teach you how to use an automatic filter to eliminate all empty rows from your Google Sheets document.

How to delete rows from Google Sheets on a computer

Type “Google Spreadsheet” into the search bar on your Mac or PC and hit enter. A Google Spreadsheet opens up on your screen. You can use it to track anything you want, including your work, school, and personal life.

To delete a line:

  1. Click on the line you want to delete.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on additional lines you want to delete.
  3. Release the Ctrl key and click on the line you want to delete. ..

Delete Line n

Alternatively, you can also delete a row or column using the right-click function. Right click on the row you want to delete and choose “Delete Row” from the drop-down menu. To delete more than one row at a time, you can use the same method by first selecting the rows you want to delete, right-clicking on them, and tapping “Delete nn rows”. ..

How to delete rows in the Google Sheets app in a mobile device

To delete a row in a spreadsheet on Google Sheets mobile iPhone or Android app, you first need to open the spreadsheet and select the row you want to delete. Then, press the Delete key.

To delete the line or lines you want to delete, click on the blue deletion button.

Selecting the lines below will cause a pop-up menu to appear that allows you to change the text content of the selected lines.

Delete all the rows in the table.

Final note

If you’re looking to remove extra rows from Google Sheets, this guide is for you. In addition, if you have any questions about this article or if you just want to spread the word, please feel free to reach out to us. Finally, please share this guide with your friends and family so they can benefit as well!