How to make Windows 11 more like Windows 10 – Guide
Windows 11 introduces major changes to the user interface, and continues the trend of making user personalization difficult. However, it is possible to completely revert Windows 11 to Windows 10, which may never happen. Still, there are several important changes that can make you more comfortable with Windows 11.
Windows 11 is a new operating system that was released in November of 2014. It is designed to be more user-friendly and efficient than previous versions of Windows. Some people are unhappy with the new Start Menu, ribbon, and other features of Windows 11.
The Windows 10 look and feel is back on Windows 11, but Microsoft isn’t happy about it. You can use registry hacks to get the look you want, but it’s not easy and Microsoft doesn’t want you to use them. Below, we’ll describe several changes to different parts of the UI and you can use one, many, or all of them to get the look you want.
Move taskbar icons to the left
Windows 11’s newest update, build 11.0.6002, introduces a new feature called the Center Taskbar Icons. This change is controversial because it removes the traditional taskbar icons and replaces them with center-aligned icons. Some users find this change to be easy to adjust and others find it difficult to use.
On the ‘Personalization’ page, select ‘Display name’ from the left pane. Enter your desired display name and click on the ‘Save’ button. ..
Scroll down until you find the ‘Taskbar’ icon and click on it.
Left taskbar behavior
Restore the old Start Menu
Windows 10’s Start menu is a little different than in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. There are three third-party apps that help with the look of the Start menu, OpenShell, which is free, and Taskbar Tweak, which requires no registry changes. However, there are plenty of customization options available to users in Windows 10, including choosing between three classic Start Menu styles. If users want to avoid errors while trying to use the new Start menu, they should move the taskbar to the left first.
Windows 10 is a great operating system, but it doesn’t have all the features of Windows 7 or 8. StartIsBack++ is a program that restores some of the functionality that Windows 10 lacks. It’s available for US $3.99 after a 30 day trial, and you’ll need to change the taskbar using the registry first. ..
Start11 is still in beta at the time of writing and requires the same registry changes. It’s the polished option available, offering several themes that look a lot like Windows 10. The big caveat is the price – it’s £4.99/$4.99 for every 30 days of access.
Recover the old taskbar
This trick involves making changes to the registry, so only go ahead if you feel comfortable doing so. It’s surprising to see it still works, but expect Microsoft to block it soon. There are also several icons that don’t work, including Cortana and a non-functional taskbar. But for pure aesthetics, this does the job.
To start the Start menu, open the Start menu and type “startmenu” into the search bar.
Press Windows key + R to open the Run window.
Windows 10: How to open the Registry Editor In Windows 10, the Registry Editor is a tool that can be used to manage settings and preferences on your computer. The Registry Editor can be opened by clicking on the ‘Registry’ icon in the Start menu, or by typing ‘regedit’ into the search bar and clicking on the ‘Registry’ result that appears. To open the Registry Editor, you will first need to type “regedit” into your Windows 10 search bar. Once you have found this result, click on it to open it. Next, you will need to click on “OK” in order to allow Windows 10 to start using this tool. ..
Confirm that you allow changes to be made to your account.
In the address bar above ‘Computer’, paste ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionShellUpdatePackages’ and press enter to get the list of updates for Microsoft Windows Current Version Shell.
Right-click anywhere in the white space and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. This will open the Create DWORD (32-bit) Value dialog box. In the Name field, type DisableTaskbarButtons. In the Value field, type 1. Click OK to close the dialog box. ..
In this window, you can disable or enable Undocking Disabled on your device.
The value data field in the table is set to 1.
Close Registry Editor and restart the device.
- Open the Start menu and type “cmd”
- Type “netstat -an” to see the network status
- Type “ipconfig -a” to see the IP address of your computer
- Type “netstat -p” to see the process list
- Type “cmd” and hit enter to open a command prompt
Press Windows key + R to open the ‘Run’ window.
Paste ‘shell {05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9}’ and click ‘OK’
To turn system icons on or off, follow these steps:
- Open the Control Panel.
- Under “Appearance and Personalization,” click “System.”
- Under “System icons,” click the check box next to the icon you want to turn on or off. ..
Next to the clock, volume, network, or anything else you would like to see on the taskbar, select “On” from the relevant drop-down list. Click “OK” to confirm.
You can disable Cortana by right-clicking on the taskbar and unchecking the ‘Show Cortana’ option.
Recover the old File Explorer and context menu
To revert to the Windows 10 File Explorer style:
- Open the Start menu and click on File Explorer.
- In the File Explorer window, click on the View tab.
- Under Navigation Options, select Use Classic View.
- Click on OK to apply the changes and return to the classic File Explorer view. ..
Press Windows key + R to open the ‘Run’ window.
Windows 10: How to open the Registry Editor If you’re new to Windows 10, or if you’ve never used the Registry Editor before, it’s a good idea to start by reading our beginner’s guide. Once you’re familiar with the basics, you can use the Registry Editor to customize your computer. ..
Confirm that you allow changes to be made to your account.
In the address bar above ‘Computer’, paste ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionShell Extensions’ and press enter to change the value of the ‘Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Shell Extensions’ key to ‘No’.
In the new window, enter ‘shell-extensions’ and click OK. The right pane will now show a list of all the currently installed shell extensions.
Blocked is a new social media platform that allows users to anonymously share their thoughts and experiences with others. ..
Inside the new ‘Locked’ key, right click on any blank space and choose ‘String Value’ to get a list of all the possible values for that key.
In your name field, paste ‘E2BF9676-5F8F-435C-97EB-11607A5BEDF7’ and press enter
To apply the changes to your device, restart your device.
Final note
Windows 10 is a great operating system that many people are happy with. However, there are some things that can make it more like Windows 10. One way to do this is by using the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant. This tool will help you upgrade your computer to Windows 10 without having to go through the hassle of doing it yourself.