How to Install Wildfly application server on Ubuntu 20.04 – Guide

WildFly is a free, open-source cross-platform application server that is now being developed by Red Hat. Written in Java, WildFly will help you build great applications. With its pluggable subsystems, you can configure the application as needed. WildFly (formerly JBoss) is lightweight and fast, making it an ideal choice for developing Java applications. It is currently maintained by RedHat as an open source project and is also available for commercial enterprise environments. ..

WildFly is a lightweight, fast and highly optimized Java-based application runtime that lets you develop great applications from a single IDE. It’s cross-platform with a robust dashboard that makes changing a setting on the application server and configuring it very easy and fast. You don’t need to search pages unnecessarily to adapt your environment to your needs. WildFly is perfect for developers who want to build great applications quickly and easily from a single IDE.

Install Wildfly Application Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Install Java JDK on Ubuntu

Option 1: sudo apt-get install Java Option 2: yum install Java

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) is a set of software that enables you to develop Java applications. The JDK includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which is the environment in which Java applications run, and the Java Library Module (JLM), which provides the libraries needed to run Java applications.

OpenJDK is a free and open source implementation of the Java SE platform. It is available in Ubuntu 14.04 and later versions. ..

Installing the default Java Development Kit (JDK) will allow you to develop Java applications. ..

The default version of Java installed from the above command is Java 10+. WildFly supports this. ..

The OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.13 + 8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1) is a Java Runtime Environment that allows you to run Java applications and applications written in other languages.

This is a 64-bit OpenJDK VM Server build 11.0.13 + 8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1 that shares its resources with other machines on the network.

Download the WildFly installation file

Before downloading the file, check the WildFly downloads page to see if there is a newer release available. We will download WildFly 18.0.1.Final here. ..

export WILDFLY_VERSION = “26.0.0″ export WILDFLY_CODES = “WILDFLY_SSL” export WILDFLY_PACKAGE = “wildfly” WildFly is a free and open source software product that enables you to manage and deploy Java applications. It includes a built-in security manager, which helps you keep your applications safe from unauthorized access and theft.

Once the file is downloaded, extract it and open it in a text editor.

The tar command extracts files from a tarball. The -x option extracts all files, the -f option extracts files matching a pattern, and the -t option specifies a file type. The wildfly-release.Final.tar.gz file contains the WildFly 10 release candidate. ..

Instructions on how to move the resulting folder to /opt/wildfly can be found in the WildFly 8.0 documentation. ..

sudo mv wildfly – ${WILDFLY_VERSION}.Final / opt / wildfly

Configure Systemd for WildFly

User: wildfly Group: wildfly

sudo addgroup wildfly sudo groupadd –system www sudo addgroup www

sudo useradd -s /bin/nologin –system -d /opt/wildfly -g wildfly wildfly ..

In the WildFly settings directory, create a file named “config.xml”. This file contains the following:

  • The name of the WildFly server
  • The name of the user who created the WildFly server
  • The name of the group that created the WildFly server
  • The port on which the WildFly server is running (defaults to 8181)

Copy the systemd WildFly service, configuration file, and startup script templates from the / opt / wildfly / docs / contrib / scripts / systemd directory.

cp /opt/wildfly/docs/contrib/scripts/systemd/wildfly.conf /etc/wildfly/

sudo cp /opt/wildfly/docs/contrib/scripts/systemd/wildfly.service /etc/systemd/system/ ..

cp /opt/wildfly/docs/contrib/scripts/systemd/ / opt / wildfly / bin

This command will make the file /opt/wildfly/bin/ executable and make it available for launch from the WildFly installation.

To set permissions for the Wildfly application, use the following command: opt / wildfly / setPermissions ..

sudo chown -R wildfly: wildfly / opt / wildfly /opt

systemctl reload systemd

To start and enable the WildFly service, open a command prompt and type the following: java -jar start.jar If you are using Windows, you can also use the Start menu to launch the WildFly service. ..

sudo systemctl enable wildfly

This command enables the Wildfly server. ..

WildFly Application Server is currently up and running. ..

This output shows the status of the wildfly daemon on your system.

The service must be bound to the port 8080. ..

The ss command can be used to view active TCP and UDP ports on a system. The grep command can be used to search for specific strings. In this example, the ss command is used to view active TCP and UDP ports on the system, and the grep command is used to search for the string “8080.” ..

TCP is listening on port 8080 for connections from users with theuid 999 and theinode 30339.

Add WildFly users

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash wildflyadmin This will add a new user called “wildflyadmin” to the WildFly admin console.


The file stores user information for the management console. This file includes user names, passwords, and other relevant information for users who need to manage the server. ..

  1. The application user is the person who uses the application.
  2. The application user’s properties are the settings for that user. ..

User: User: admin

Please enter the details of the new user to be added. ..

The ManagementRealm is a realm discovered in property files that allows for management of properties. This realm is specific to the management of properties and can be used to manage properties, create and manage leases, and more.

Set the password for the user: Password:

Password recommendations are listed below. To modify these restrictions, edit the configuration file. ..

The password must be unique to the user.

The password must not be one of the following restricted values: root, admin, or administrator. ..

The password must contain at least 8 characters, 1 alphabetic character(s), 1 digit(s), 1 non-alphanumeric symbol(s).

The password is incorrect. ..

Accessing the WildFly Admin Console

To be able to run WildFly scripts in your current shell session, add the following line to your $PATH: / opt / wildfly / bin /

.bashrc: User’s shell initialization file.

This file is sourced by the shell when it starts up.

See the “man bash” page for more information.

if [ -f $HOME/.bashrc ]; then source $HOME/.bashrc fi ..

The WildFly_BIN directory contains the WildFly executable. ..

export PATH = $HOME/.wildfly/bin


bashrc file for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Canonical, Inc.

This file is part of the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS distribution.

You can find more information on the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS website:

  # This file contains settings that are used by the Bash shell # program to run commands on Ubuntu systems # including Debian and other Linux distributions $HOME/.bashrc: export BASH_VERSION=4.3 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/games:/opt/$BASH_VERSION:/usr/local/$USER/.bashrc: export HOME=/home/$USER/.bashrc export HOSTNAME=ubuntu-14-04-lts export TMPDIR=/tmp -p wildfly -c “connect to WildFly Admin Console”

Final note

How to Install Wildfly Application Server on Ubuntu 20.04 In this guide, we will show you how to install Wildfly application server on Ubuntu 20.04. This application server is a popular choice for web applications and is used by many organizations around the world. If you are looking for an easy way to start using Wildfly, then this guide is for you! First, let’s take a look at what Wildfly is and what it can do: Wildfly is an open source application server that allows developers to build high-performance web applications. It has a wide range of features, including support for a variety of languages, performance enhancements, and security features. Additionally, it can be used in combination with other software to create powerful systems.