The iPhone will now show a small thumbnail of a contact photo next to contacts in the “Favorites” section of it phone app. This certainly looks good if you’ve set a lot of custom images for contacts, but having a bunch of weird contact photos can seem unprofessional in some environments, and for users without a contact photo, it will turn into a boring thumbnail based on their initials. Perhaps most problematic is the annoying side effect of truncating longer names, which is shown in the screenshot below.

The name truncation problem can be a serious issue if the contact’s primary dialing method is FaceTime, and you can only fit a few characters on this green screen before it throws the “…” in. To overcome all these complaints, there is a perfectly reasonable option to delete the photo display in the Favorites section of the phone app.

How to Turn on Contact photos off Phone Favorites for iPhone

If you enable this, the Phone app will hide contact photos in the Favorites section.

We’ve made a few changes to the app to make it more professional and easier to use. Now, all thumbnail photos will be replaced with longer, more descriptive names that fit better with the app’s design. And if you have an iPhone exclusively for work purposes, we recommend deleting all of your old photos so that you can focus on creating great content for our app!

Another option would be to reduce the text size to be small and fit more characters on the screen, to change the bold font setting, but neither are really great choices for usability, and renaming contacts is crazy too. The full names setting does not affect this, and unlike Messages, there is no reverse option to display only the first name or a name and initial. Disabling it is usually the best choice, and it basically just returns it Phone app the way it looked prior to the great visual opportunities that came with iOS 7.

If you want to see the contact photos again, all you have to do is switch them back on by going to Settings> Phone > Contact photos in Favorites and changing them back to ON.

Hide Contact Photos from “Favorites” on the iPhone Guide is free?

Hide Contact Photos from “Favorites” on the iPhone: benefits

Hide Contact Photos from “Favorites” on the iPhone Tutorial: final note

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