How to Disable “Is Displaying Over Other Apps” Notification in Android – Guide

Android has been displaying system notifications to let users know which apps are running in another app at the same time. This is extremely useful, but some users don’t care about it and sometimes feel annoying. So what to do? Please read the article below to learn how to turn off these notifications. The fact that some apps can display thumbnails while other apps are running (eg Facebook Messenger) is very convenient for users. However, some apps stop running when another app is injected to generate a “Screen Overlay Detected” error which annoys the user. With the release of Oreo, Android started showing system notifications to let users know what’s going on. ..

Google’s original plan for its new Screen Overlay Detected feature was to let users know when an app was running on top of another app, generating a notification to let you know what was happening. However, the feature caused problems for some apps, leading to a “Screen Overlay Detected” error. Android Oreo also came with this feature but the operation is well defined as Oreo makes it very clear when an app is running on top of other apps, generating a system notification to let you know what is happening.

Disable display over other apps on Android using apps and notification settings

Settings on your Android devices can be accessed by going to Settings on your device. This will open a menu where you can select the type of device you are using, as well as the language that is being used.

Tap the three lines in the top left corner of your screen to get a list of all the apps and notifications that are currently active.

Tap the Special App Access button to access a hidden menu of features that are not available to the general public.

This is a message for all app users. If you are using an app other than Tap Show, please switch to it and enjoy your experience.

Tap App wants to disable your device.

Disable “Allow display over other apps” on your device. This will help keep your device clean and free from distractions while you use other apps.

Disable notifications for individual apps displayed over other apps

Secondly, if you want to disable the feature on your Android Oreo device, you can do so by going to Settings > Apps & Notifications > Advanced > Special App Access and unchecking the box next to Show Over Other Apps. ..

On your Android Oreo devices, go to Settings. ..

Tap the three lines in the top left corner of your screen to get a list of all the apps and notifications that are currently active.

To disable the “display over other apps” feature on your phone, you can use the Tap App app. ..

In the advanced section of your app, tap Show over other apps. This will show all of your apps in one place, so you can quickly and easily compare and contrast them.

This setting allows other apps to take up space on your screen, which can be distracting. Turning it off will save you some screen space. ..

Final note

Android users have the option to disable a notification that displays when an app is in the foreground over other apps. This notification can be helpful for people who want to keep their focus on one app while they work or play another. ..