If you’re like most Mac Safari users, you probably don’t know that you can delete specific Safari history items from the web browser history stored on a Mac. While many Mac Safari users probably already know that they can clear Safari history from the last hour, day, two days, or clear all history from the browser, far fewer users know that it is possible to selectively delete specific browser history items from Safari on the Mac. If you want to selectively delete specific items from your web browser’s history, follow these steps:

  1. Open Safari on your Mac and click on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on “History” and then select “History Items.”
  3. Select the item you want to delete and press Delete. ..

page that you no longer want to see. Safari also offers a more advanced deletion feature called “History Restoration.” Safari’s history deletion feature is useful for many reasons, including deleting secret pages from the browser history, deleting embarrassing web page visits or sessions, or even deleting a page that you no longer want to see. The History Restoration feature allows you to restore deleted items so that they are as they were before.

Safari History on the Mac can be easily deleted by selecting the option to “Delete items and history.” This will remove all of the items and history associated with the current Safari window, as well as any other open windows.

Safari deletes all history items for a site or web page if the user visits it again, unless they have a backup up.

How to Delete specific history from Safari on Mac

  1. Open Safari and type “delete” in the address bar.
  2. A list of items will be displayed, including the items you’ve already deleted.
  3. Type “x” in the top left corner of the list to select all of the items, and then press “delete.”

You can delete any individual search history from Safari by selecting the “Delete” button on the toolbar.

To delete an item from Safari’s history, open the History menu and select “Delete History Item.” ..

To remove an item from Safari history, open Safari and click the History button in the toolbar. Select the item you want to remove and press Delete. ..

To delete a file on a Mac, press the “Delete” key on the keyboard, or right-click and choose “Delete” from the popup menu. ..

Remove Safari history on Mac:

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Type “compose” and hit return.
  3. Remove any items from the history list that you want to keep.

To selectively delete the history in Safari for a specific keyword, use the History Search feature.

You can also opt for the drastic option of wiping all web history data in Safari on the Mac, although it’s clear that wiping everything won’t target in the same way as deleting certain items from Safari history. ..

Safari on Mac does not leave any browsing history when active, so you should use the Private Browsing mode to delete Safari history items.

It is worth mentioning that whether you delete Safari history or use private browsing mode or not, your browsing sessions will not be truly anonymous or private due to the nature of how browsers, DNS, ISPs and the Internet in general work. While deleting local history removes traces of a website visit from a particular computer and may hide the visit from yourself or another person, deleting local data does not affect the various remote servers or the underlying infrastructure used to access it.

Safari on the iPhone and iPad can delete specific history items in a similar way to other browsers. ..

How to Delete Specific Safari History on Mac Guide is free?

How to Delete Specific Safari History on Mac: benefits

How to Delete Specific Safari History on Mac Tutorial: final note

If you have any questions about deleting specific Safari history on a Mac, please ask us in the comments below or contact us directly. This guide is for educational purposes only. If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “How to Delete Specific Safari History on Mac,” please contact us. If anyone wants to add an alternate method to the guide “How to Delete Specific Safari History on Mac,” please contact us. This guide is for educational purposes only. If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “How to Delete Specific Safari History on Mac,” please contact us. ..